Comparison of Fractal Realizations Using Landscape Metrics

Representative landscape metrics for size actual 129 × 129 cell landscapes each compared with 25 synthetic landscapes generated by the Fractal Landscape Realizer. The two actual landscapes for which experts most frequently selected the synthetic map as real, chose the two maps equally, and most frequently selected the actual map as real in a pairwise presentation are indicated. Related metrics are grouped together. Map resolution is 1 km2.

* indicates metrics for which the actual map was more than one standard deviation and more than 5% different from the mean.

** indicates metrics for which the actual map was more than two standard deviations and more than 5% different from the mean.

Synthetic Chosen Over Actual

Map 3
Realized Percent
Mean Standard
Total Area (km2) 16407 16407.00 0.00 0.00
Largest Patch Index (%) 73.79 74.33 0.84 0.73
Number of patches 192 193.24 26.27 0.65
Patch Density (#/km2) 0.012 0.012 0.002 -1.33
Mean Patch Size (km2) 85.45 86.74 14.46 1.50
Patch Size Coeff of Variation (%) 1023.36 1034.09 73.99 1.05
Total Edge (km) 3811 3454.64 334.16 -9.35 *
Edge Density (km/km2) 0.23 0.21 0.02 -9.36 *
Landscape Shape Index 9.61 8.91 0.65 -7.25 *
Mean Shape Index 1.52 1.38 0.03 -9.24 **
Area-Weighted Mean Shape Index 7.08 6.83 0.81 -3.54
Double Log Fractal Dimension 1.469 1.461 0.012 -0.56
Mean Patch Fractal Dimension 1.039 1.027 0.001 -1.11
Area-Weighted Mean Fractal Dimension 1.165 1.163 0.009 -0.13
Total Core Area (km2) 4622 4811.96 972.08 4.11
Number of Core Areas 16 15.64 4.56 -2.25
Mean Core Area per Patch (km2) 24.07 25.94 9.11 7.74
C.V. Mean Core Area per Patch (%) 1341.85 1358.57 102.50 1.25
Mean Area per Core (km2) 288.87 339.05 133.23 17.37
C.V. Mean Area per Core (%) 4504.07 4711.08 727.74 4.60
Total Core Area Index (%) 28.17 29.33 5.92 4.11
Mean Core Area Index (%) 0.31 0.29 0.13 -8.27
Mean Nearest Neighbor Distance (km) 1.71 2.34 0.46 36.68 *
C.V. Nearest Neighbor Distance (%) 161.28 226.00 101.52 40.12
Mean Proximity Index 995.98 1543.40 567.78 54.96
Shannon's Diversity Index 0.819 0.819 0.000 0.00
Simpson's Diversity Index 0.402 0.402 0.000 0.00
Modified Simpson's Diversity Index 0.515 0.514 0.000 -0.19
Patch Richness 7 7.00 0.00 0.00
Map 10
Realized Percent
Mean Standard
Total Area (km2) 15500 15500.00 0.00 0.00
Largest Patch Index (%) 23.15 42.24 5.28 82.49 **
Number of patches 156 243.12 23.11 55.85 **
Patch Density (#/km2) 0.010 0.016 0.001 56.00 **
Mean Patch Size (km2) 99.36 64.32 6.19 -35.27 **
Patch Size Coeff of Variation (%) 359.29 705.07 72.05 96.24 **
Total Edge (km) 4902 3636.16 340.02 -25.82 **
Edge Density (km/km2) 0.32 0.23 0.02 -25.83 **
Landscape Shape Index 12.21 9.67 0.68 -20.81 **
Mean Shape Index 1.76 1.40 0.02 -20.62 **
Area-Weighted Mean Shape Index 4.75 4.07 0.49 -14.17 *
Double Log Fractal Dimension 1.436 1.403 0.011 -2.29
Mean Patch Fractal Dimension 1.051 1.030 0.001 -1.95
Area-Weighted Mean Fractal Dimension 1.139 1.123 0.008 -1.37
Total Core Area (km2) 1153 3533.36 739.82 206.45 **
Number of Core Areas 25 21.72 3.45 -13.12
Mean Core Area per Patch (km2) 7.39 14.75 3.70 99.60 *
C.V. Mean Core Area per Patch (%) 711.26 1139.48 160.51 60.21 **
Mean Area per Core (km2) 46.12 169.25 54.03 266.98 **
C.V. Mean Area per Core (%) 1682.20 3706.01 803.84 120.31 **
Total Core Area Index (%) 7.44 22.80 4.77 206.44 **
Mean Core Area Index (%) 0.55 0.55 0.11 1.76
Mean Nearest Neighbor Distance (km) 2.09 2.81 0.38 34.50 *
C.V. Nearest Neighbor Distance (%) 121.29 186.09 41.89 53.42 *
Mean Proximity Index 569.49 458.22 100.65 -19.54 *
Shannon's Diversity Index 1.546 1.502 0.000 -2.83
Simpson's Diversity Index 0.732 0.708 0.000 -3.28
Modified Simpson's Diversity Index 1.317 1.232 0.000 -6.48 **
Patch Richness 7 7.00 0.00 0.00

Maps Chosen Equally

Map 17
Realized Percent
Mean Standard
Total Area (km2) 15623 15623.00 0.00 0.00
Largest Patch Index (%) 15.35 20.98 5.42 36.71 *
Number of patches 239 412.32 51.74 72.52 **
Patch Density (#/km2) 0.015 0.026 0.003 75.47 **
Mean Patch Size (km2) 65.37 38.55 5.63 -41.02 **
Patch Size Coeff of Variation (%) 394.99 588.73 76.32 49.05 **
Total Edge (km) 6251 5868.68 495.54 -6.12
Edge Density (km/km2) 0.40 0.38 0.03 -6.11
Landscape Shape Index 14.34 13.57 0.99 -5.33
Mean Shape Index 1.69 1.38 0.02 -18.46 **
Area-Weighted Mean Shape Index 4.82 4.64 0.40 -3.81
Double Log Fractal Dimension 1.492 1.444 0.012 -3.24
Mean Patch Fractal Dimension 1.044 1.028 0.001 -1.57
Area-Weighted Mean Fractal Dimension 1.147 1.136 0.005 -1.00
Total Core Area (km2) 1083 1506.84 523.92 39.14
Number of Core Areas 22 22.56 4.92 2.55
Mean Core Area per Patch (km2) 4.53 3.84 1.79 -15.25
C.V. Mean Core Area per Patch (%) 856.60 1097.37 153.16 28.11 *
Mean Area per Core (km2) 49.23 71.77 34.98 45.80
C.V. Mean Area per Core (%) 2626.73 4405.30 1009.33 67.71 *
Total Core Area Index (%) 6.93 9.64 3.35 39.14
Mean Core Area Index (%) 0.27 0.26 0.09 -4.46
Mean Nearest Neighbor Distance (km) 2.24 2.00 0.21 -10.59 *
C.V. Nearest Neighbor Distance (%) 358.87 181.85 57.91 -49.33 **
Mean Proximity Index 342.81 344.90 99.20 0.61
Shannon's Diversity Index 1.893 1.884 0.000 -0.47
Simpson's Diversity Index 0.822 0.818 0.000 -0.49
Modified Simpson's Diversity Index 1.724 1.703 0.000 -1.22
Patch Richness 10 10.00 0.00 0.00
Map 14
Realized Percent
Mean Standard
Total Area (km2) 16057 16057.00 0.00 0.00
Largest Patch Index (%) 69.32 74.11 0.52 6.92 **
Number of patches 150 190.40 13.95 26.93 **
Patch Density (#/km2) 0.009 0.012 0.001 32.00 **
Mean Patch Size (km2) 107.05 84.77 6.21 -20.81 **
Patch Size Coeff of Variation (%) 851.88 1020.61 38.61 19.81 **
Total Edge (km) 3163 2657.84 152.60 -15.97 **
Edge Density (km/km2) 0.20 0.17 0.01 -15.98 **
Landscape Shape Index 8.92 7.92 0.30 -11.18 **
Mean Shape Index 1.65 1.40 0.02 -14.80 **
Area-Weighted Mean Shape Index 5.37 4.46 0.40 -16.96 **
Double Log Fractal Dimension 1.454 1.403 0.009 -3.50
Mean Patch Fractal Dimension 1.048 1.032 0.001 -1.57
Area-Weighted Mean Fractal Dimension 1.143 1.129 0.007 -1.25
Total Core Area (km2) 4553 6173.28 477.45 35.59 **
Number of Core Areas 14 8.52 2.18 -39.14 **
Mean Core Area per Patch (km2) 30.35 32.69 4.28 7.69
C.V. Mean Core Area per Patch (%) 1119.14 1357.12 53.03 21.26 **
Mean Area per Core (km2) 325.21 795.09 317.22 144.48 *
C.V. Mean Area per Core (%) 3518.31 6154.55 927.60 74.93 **
Total Core Area Index (%) 28.36 38.45 2.97 35.59 **
Mean Core Area Index (%) 0.51 0.37 0.06 -26.28 **
Mean Nearest Neighbor Distance (km) 1.87 2.85 0.59 52.70 *
C.V. Nearest Neighbor Distance (%) 208.18 211.33 65.42 1.51
Mean Proximity Index 406.51 693.72 188.30 70.65 *
Shannon's Diversity Index 0.760 0.758 0.000 -0.26
Simpson's Diversity Index 0.386 0.384 0.000 -0.52
Modified Simpson's Diversity Index 0.487 0.485 0.000 -0.41
Patch Richness 6 6.00 0.00 0.00

Actual Chosen Over Synthetic

Map 16
Realized Percent
Mean Standard
Total Area (km2) 16435 16435.00 0.00 0.00
Largest Patch Index (%) 32.31 30.68 2.49 -5.07
Number of patches 306 514.76 41.34 68.22 **
Patch Density (#/km2) 0.019 0.031 0.002 64.84 **
Mean Patch Size (km2) 53.71 32.11 2.37 -40.22 **
Patch Size Coeff of Variation (%) 800.59 931.80 87.44 16.39 *
Total Edge (km) 5100 6651.40 470.15 30.42 **
Edge Density (km/km2) 0.31 0.40 0.03 30.42 **
Landscape Shape Index 11.68 14.70 0.92 25.91 **
Mean Shape Index 1.46 1.36 0.02 -7.00 **
Area-Weighted Mean Shape Index 5.48 6.45 0.71 17.70 *
Double Log Fractal Dimension 1.522 1.529 0.008 0.48
Mean Patch Fractal Dimension 1.032 1.026 0.002 -0.60
Area-Weighted Mean Fractal Dimension 1.152 1.161 0.009 0.74
Total Core Area (km2) 4888 2274.76 708.90 -53.46 **
Number of Core Areas 10 16.48 2.79 64.80 **
Mean Core Area per Patch (km2) 15.97 4.49 1.59 -71.87 **
C.V. Mean Core Area per Patch (%) 1205.38 1530.70 139.90 26.99 **
Mean Area per Core (km2) 488.80 145.93 63.63 -70.14 **
C.V. Mean Area per Core (%) 5950.02 8046.98 1153.61 35.24 *
Total Core Area Index (%) 29.74 13.84 4.31 -53.46 **
Mean Core Area Index (%) 0.34 0.14 0.04 -59.79 **
Mean Nearest Neighbor Distance (km) 1.88 1.82 0.27 -3.37
C.V. Nearest Neighbor Distance (%) 264.47 184.51 86.21 -30.23
Mean Proximity Index 580.28 519.64 87.90 -10.45
Shannon's Diversity Index 1.533 1.530 0.000 -0.20
Simpson's Diversity Index 0.737 0.736 0.000 -0.14
Modified Simpson's Diversity Index 1.336 1.332 0.000 -0.30
Patch Richness 10 10.00 0.00 0.00
Map 8
Realized Percent
Mean Standard
Total Area (km2) 16553 16553.00 0.00 0.00
Largest Patch Index (%) 17.16 21.01 3.90 22.43
Number of patches 365 369.56 30.68 1.25
Patch Density (#/km2) 0.022 0.022 0.002 1.82
Mean Patch Size (km2) 45.35 45.07 3.57 -0.61
Patch Size Coeff of Variation (%) 479.97 587.91 53.71 22.49 **
Total Edge (km) 6790 6030.24 358.26 -11.19 **
Edge Density (km/km2) 0.41 0.36 0.02 -11.19 **
Landscape Shape Index 14.71 13.23 0.70 -10.03 **
Mean Shape Index 1.54 1.39 0.02 -9.88 **
Area-Weighted Mean Shape Index 4.42 5.24 0.40 18.62 **
Double Log Fractal Dimension 1.471 1.452 0.012 -1.30
Mean Patch Fractal Dimension 1.038 1.028 0.001 -0.96
Area-Weighted Mean Fractal Dimension 1.136 1.146 0.005 0.90
Total Core Area (km2) 1469 1778.88 377.40 21.09
Number of Core Areas 23 22.32 4.78 -2.96
Mean Core Area per Patch (km2) 4.02 4.86 1.15 20.73
C.V. Mean Core Area per Patch (%) 1052.92 944.30 146.70 -10.32
Mean Area per Core (km2) 63.87 84.97 35.23 33.04
C.V. Mean Area per Core (%) 3903.08 3552.59 944.67 -8.98
Total Core Area Index (%) 8.88 10.75 2.28 21.09
Mean Core Area Index (%) 0.26 0.29 0.07 13.80
Mean Nearest Neighbor Distance (km) 1.90 2.05 0.24 7.46
C.V. Nearest Neighbor Distance (%) 144.13 203.80 73.02 41.40
Mean Proximity Index 190.69 477.27 94.80 150.29 **
Shannon's Diversity Index 1.796 1.794 0.000 -0.11
Simpson's Diversity Index 0.798 0.797 0.000 -0.13
Modified Simpson's Diversity Index 1.598 1.595 0.000 -0.19
Patch Richness 10 10.00 0.00 0.00

a Landscape metrics calculated using FRAGSTATS 2.0 (McGarigal and Marks)
b Percent Difference equals ((mean - actual)/actual) × 100.

For additional information contact:

William W. Hargrove
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Environmental Sciences Division
P.O. Box 2008, M.S. 6407
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6407
(865) 241-2748

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Last Modified: Thursday, 17-May-2007 11:59:44 EDT
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