Version 5 Tree Atlas

Quercus garryana

Oregon white oak


Quercus garryana Occurrence Sites

Environmental Variables Included
Order of Importance of Environmental Variables for Quercus garryana

USDA Plants Database entry for Quercus garryana
Silvics Manual entry for Quercus garryana

Click on any map to enlarge

SynonymsFIA PlotsGBIF SitesOther SitesOther TypesTotal SitesNotes
Quercus garryana var. breweri313262575TBD

Occurrence Locations and Hargrove's Present Suitable Range Outline
Quercus_garryana_final Occurrences
Hargroves Present Suitable Range Outline for Quercus_garryana_final
Quercus garryana - Occurrence Locations Quercus garryana - Hargrove's Present Suitable Range Outline
Present Conditions
Quercus garryana - CONUS
Compare with Current Range from the Silvics Manual for Quercus garryana
Compare with Current Range from Biota of North America Program (BONAP) for Quercus garryana

Quercus garryana not modeled by Iverson and Prasad
Compare with Quercus garryana modeled for Current conditions by Crookston and Rehfeldt
Quercus garryana not modeled by Coops and Waring
Quercus garryana - Global

PCM - Parallel Climate Model
PCM, Scenario A1FI, 2050 - Quercus garryana - CONUS
PCM, Scenario A1FI, 2050 - Quercus garryana - Global
PCM, Scenario A1FI, 2100 - Quercus garryana - CONUS
Quercus garryana species not modeled by Iverson and Prasad
PCM, Scenario A1FI, 2100 - Quercus garryana - Global

PCM, Scenario B1, 2050 - Quercus garryana - CONUS
PCM, Scenario B1, 2050 - Quercus garryana - Global
PCM, Scenario B1, 2100 - Quercus garryana - CONUS
Quercus garryana not modeled by Iverson and Prasad
PCM, Scenario B1, 2100 - Quercus garryana - Global

Hadley Climate Model
Hadley, Scenario A1FI, 2050 - Quercus garryana - CONUS
Compare with Quercus garryana modeled for Hadley A2 in 2060 by Crookston and Rehfeldt
Hadley, Scenario A1FI, 2050 - Quercus garryana - Global
Hadley, Scenario A1FI, 2100 - Quercus garryana - CONUS
Quercus garryana not modeled by Iverson and Prasad
Compare with Quercus garryana modeled for Hadley A2 in 2090 by Crookston and Rehfeldt
Quercus garryana not modeled by Coops and Waring
Hadley, Scenario A1FI, 2100 - Quercus garryana - Global

Hadley, Scenario B1, 2050 - Quercus garryana - CONUS
Compare with Quercus garryana modeled for Hadley B2 in 2060 by Crookston and Rehfeldt
Quercus garryana not modeled by Coops and Waring
Hadley, Scenario B1, 2050 - Quercus garryana - Global
Hadley, Scenario B1, 2100 - Quercus garryana - CONUS
Quercus garryana not modeled by Iverson and Prasad
Compare with Quercus garryana modeled for Hadley B2 in 2090 by Crookston and Rehfeldt
Hadley, Scenario B1, 2100 - Quercus garryana - Global
Range Shift and Summary Statistics for Hadley, Scenario B1, 2050

Number of Suitable Ecoregions (Niche Breadth)


Percent Rank of Generalist Niche Breadth of all ForeCASTS species


Area in Present Suitable Range (in km2)


Area in Future Suitable Range (Had B1 2050, in km2)


Area of Overlap of Future Suitable Range with
Present Suitable Range (Had B1 2050, in km2)


Percent Overlap of Future Suitable Range with
Present Suitable Range (Had B1 2050)


Percent Rank of Largest Proportion of Overlap of all ForeCASTS species


Percent Change in Area of Suitable Range (Had B1 2050)


Percent Rank of Largest Percent Change in Suitable Area of all ForeCASTS species


Mean Non-Zero Fine Minimum Required Movement Distance
(Had B1 2050, in km)

4364.18 +/- 9428.13

Percent Rank of Longest Fine MRM Distance of all ForeCASTS species


Mean Non-Zero Coarse Minimum Required Movement Distance
(Had B1 2050, in map cells)

2.48495 +/- 5.12016

Percent Rank of Longest Coarse MRM Distance of all ForeCASTS species


Mean Non-Zero Coarse Optimum Required Movement Distance
(Had B1 2050, in map cells)

17.2017 +/- 31.2255

Percent Rank of Longest Coarse ORM Distance of all ForeCASTS species


Area of Present Range that has No Home in the Future
(Had B1 2050, in map cells)


Proportion of Present Range that has No Home in the Future
(Had B1 2050, percent)


Percent Rank of Largest Proportion with No Home of all ForeCASTS species


Area of Present Range that is already Home in the Future
(Had B1 2050, in map cells)


Proportion of Present Range that is already Home in the Future
(Had B1 2050, percent)


Percent Rank of Largest Proportion Already Home of all ForeCASTS species


Present and Future Ranges - Hadley, Scenario B1, 2050 - Quercus garryana Quercus garryana - Range Change Statistics
Fine Minimum Required Movement (MRM) Distance and Direction for Hadley, Scenario B1, 2050
Quercus_garryana_final.noelev Fine MRM Distance
Quercus_garryana_final.noelev Fine MRM Direction
Fine Minimum Required Movement (MRM) Distance - Hadley, Scenario B1, 2100 - Quercus garryana Fine Minimum Required Movement (MRM) Direction - Hadley, Scenario B1, 2100 - Quercus garryana
Coarse Minimum Required Movement (MRM) and Optimum Required Movement (ORM) Distance for Hadley, Scenario B1, 2050
Quercus_garryana_final.noelev Coarse MRM Distance
Quercus_garryana_final.noelev Coarse ORM Distance
Coarse Minimum Required Movement (MRM) Distance - Hadley, Scenario B1, 2100 - Quercus garryana Coarse Optimum Required Movement (ORM) Distance - Hadley, Scenario B1, 2100 - Quercus garryana

Thu Jul 21 10:05:52 EDT 2016

For additional information contact:

William W. Hargrove
Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center (EFETAC)
USDA Forest Service
Southern Research Station
200 WT Weaver Boulevard
Asheville, NC 28804-3454
(828) 257-4846
(865) 235-4753 (cell)
(828) 257-4313 (fax)

William W. Hargrove (