The 9 national maps used to describe climatic representativeness.
Map Layer or Variable Name
Number of days above 90°F during the local growing season
Number of days below 32°F during the local non-growing season
Precipitation sum during the local growing season
Precipitation sum during the local non-growing season
Number of days with measurable precipitation during the local growing season
Number of days with measurable precipitation during the local non-growing season
Soil plant-available water holding capacity to 1.5 m
Total solar insolation during the local growing season, including clouds, aerosols, slope and aspect physiography
Total solar insolation during the local non-growing season, including clouds, aerosols, slope and aspect physiography

For additional information contact:

William W. Hargrove
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Environmental Sciences Division
Building 1507, Room 211
Mail Stop 6407
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6407
(865) 241-2748
(865) 574-4665 fax

William W. Hargrove (
Last Modified: Tue Oct 10 11:50:19 EDT 2006